SamLotto Lottery Software 2020

SamLotto Software


SamLotto is a fully featured lottery software that has turned around the gaming experiences of most players around the world. It provides the best filtering, analysis and predicting tool, thus playing lottery never before. It has been a true winning lottery software since 2003.

SamLotto works with over 220 lotto lotteries from 62 countries. SamLotto lottery software works with picks such as 4, 5, 6 or 7 with 0, 1, and 2 bonus numbers. With SamLotto you can very easy to use the basic filters and advanced filters. The idea of random luck is a thing of the past. Therefore, a player’s chance of winning increases. Additionally, SamLotto is pretty easy to learn. A player can be filtered out 90% of bad tickets by using filtering. It is a risk-free software. Besides, any data that is exchanged during ordering is fully secured. It is the best lotto software for anyone trying to play the lottery. SamLotto Supports Lotteries.

Supported Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Wdindows 10

If you are ready to learn how to win the lottery with SamLotto software then you are in the right choice. SamLotto lottery software has been tested and tweaked to make sure you are putting the maximum lottery odds in your favor. Trying to predict the lottery for the average person can be a difficult task, and SamLotto program can help you save a lot of money and time so that you can avoid detours.

SamLotto & SamP3P4 Introduction

Summary of filtering features

  1. The base filters support 1-click generate default conditions (According to the last 1/2/3/5/10/20/30/50 drawings results).
  2. All filters support "Filter Assistant"; this function will open the filter chart to help you set the current filter conditions.
  3. Support set "filtering contain positions", you can specify the position of the numbers involved in the filtering.
  4. Supports base filters: Odd Count, Even Count, Hight Count, Low Count, Prime Count, Number Sum, Average Value, Unit Number Sum, Unit Number Different Number Count, Successiv, Successiv Groups, Odd Successiv, Even Successiv, Minimum Number, Maximum Number, First-Last Distance, Max Distance, Average Distance, Different Distance, AC, Same Last Drawn, Sum Value Even Odd, Unit Number Group Count, Decade Group Count, Different Decade Count, Same End Units with Last Drawn, High Units Count, Odd Units Count, Lowest 4 Units Count, Successive Paired Units Count, Pairs Count Odd and Even Units, InterChangeable Units Count, Count for 1 2 3 Units, Even Units Count, Pairs Count Even Units Only, Pairs Count for 1 2 3 Units, Successive End Units, Pairs Count Odd units Only, Units (0) Number Count, Units (1) Number Count, Units (2) Number Count, Units (3) Number Count, Units (4) Number Count, Units (5) Number Count, Units (6) Number Count, Units (7) Number Count, Units (8) Number Count, Units (9) Number Count, Root Sum , First and Second Unit Sum ect..
  5. Supports advanced filters: Adv Number Count, Adv Number Sum, Successive Number Filter, Range Filter, Number Groups Filter, Must Contain the Numbers, Locked Numbers, Divided by 3, Divided by 4, Divided by 5, Divided by 6, Divided by 7, Divided by 8, Divided by 9, Divided by 10, Multiple Filter, Delete History Drawings, Hot-Cold Filter etc..

Predict lottery numbers

  1. According to the drawings trend chart, According to the drawings trend chart, Manual prediction the winning numbers
  2. Verify that all prediction formulas, choose the best prediction formula.
  3. Predict the next drawing winning numbers.